Posted on August 30, 2024
Депутати звертатимуться до Стефанчука щодо відставки Кириленка – Буймістер
«У нас є варіант, це або політична воля президента для збереження міжнародного іміджу держави, або 150 підписів народних депутатів»
Posted on August 30, 2024
Зеленський пояснив мотиви звільнення Олещука – «берегти людей»
Звільнення командувача Повітряних сил сталося в тиждень, коли Україна втратила перший із наданих західними партнерами винищувач F-16 і його пілота Олексія Меся.
Posted on August 30, 2024
Georgian law threatens independent reporting, critics say
Media rights are at risk in Georgia as the country once seen as a safe haven for journalists implements a new law. For VOA News, Liam Scott has the story. Camera: Cristina Caicedo Smit, Krystof Maixner, Martin Bubenik, Michael Eckels
Posted on August 30, 2024
«Потрібні сильні рішення партнерів, щоб зупинити цей терор» – Зеленський після удару по Харкову
«Удар, якого не було б, якби в наших Сил оборони була здатність знищувати російську військову авіацію там, де вона базується»
Posted on August 30, 2024
US company helps Ukraine develop nuclear energy capabilities
Russian shelling has destroyed 50% of Ukraine’s electricity generation capacity since late March, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. To make up for the power shortage, the country has turned to U.S. energy giant Westinghouse for help developing next-generation nuclear reactor units. Tetiana Kukurika has the story, narrated by Anna Rice. Videographer: Sergiy Rybchynski
Posted on August 30, 2024
Павел вважає, що партнери України не мають обмежувати їй використання зброї для самооборони
Таким чином він відповів на питання, чи варто країнам НАТО допомагати Україні збивати російські ракети над небом на заході України
Posted on August 30, 2024
Сирський на засіданні ставки розповів про просування ЗСУ в Курській області Росії
Зеленський назвав поповнення обмінного фонду в Курській області «надзвичайно важливим» для посилення позицій України в процесах обміну
Posted on August 30, 2024
Голова Донеччини: армія РФ вдарила по Кураховому, під завалами можуть бути люди
Наразі точно відомо про п’ятьох постраждалих, повідомив Вадим Філашкін
Posted on August 30, 2024
Russia’s attack kills 1, injures 8 in Ukraine’s Sumy, authorities say
Kyiv, Ukraine — A Russian attack overnight damaged a factory in Ukraine’s northeastern city of Sumy, killing a 48-year-old woman and injuring at least eight people, local authorities said on Friday.
The airstrike caused a fire, prompting regional authorities to ask residents to stay inside and close the windows.
Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office said that the factory manufactured packaging for baby food, juices and household products.
A drone attack hit an industrial facility in Poltava in central Ukraine without causing any casualties, regional governor Filip Pronin said.
The Ukrainian air force said it shot down 12 out of 18 Russia-launched drones overnight over five Ukrainian regions. Four more drones fell over the Ukrainian territory.
Russia also used an Iskander-M missile during the attack, the air force added.
Both Russia and Ukraine deny targeting civilians in the war, which Russia launched with a full-scale invasion on its smaller neighbor in February 2022.
Posted on August 30, 2024
ОВА повідомляє про ще одного пораненого через нічний обстріл Херсона
Вранці обласна влада повідомила про обстріл Корабельного району Херсона вночі, тоді постраждала 69-річна жінка
Posted on August 30, 2024
Russian editor sentenced to 8 years for criticizing Ukraine campaign
Moscow — A Russian news editor in Siberia was sentenced to eight years in prison Friday for publishing critical material on Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine, which has been accompanied in Russia by a massive crackdown on dissent.
Sergei Mikhailov, a journalist and editor in the mountainous Altai region, was arrested in the first weeks of the Kremlin launching the military campaign in 2022, shortly after repressive laws that banned criticism of Russia’s actions in Ukraine were adopted.
He had published online posts about civilian deaths in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha and in Mariupol.
A court in the city of Gorno-Altaisk sentenced the 48-year-old after finding him guilty of “knowingly spreading fake information” about the Russian army.
Prosecutors said he was “motivated by political hatred.”
Mikhailov ran the small online opposition social media channel Listok in Siberia’s Altai republic — a region that has sent many men to Ukraine.
In a speech in court earlier this week, Mikhailov stood by his reporting and harshly criticized the Kremlin for sending troops to Ukraine.
He said the Russian state narrative of calling the Ukrainian leadership “fascist” had “created a whole virtual universe in the information space, and this fog became stronger and stronger.”
“My publications were aimed against this fog, so that my readers were not seduced by lies, so that they do not take part in armed conflicts, do not become murderers and victims and so that they do not harm the brotherly Ukrainian people,” Mikhailov said, in an audio of the speech published by Listok on social media.
More than 1,000 people have been prosecuted in Russia for criticizing the Russian offensive against Ukraine since the start of the armed conflict in February 2022, according to monitor OVD-Info.
Posted on August 30, 2024
«Укренерго»: енергоспоживання залишається високим, у більшості регіонів – екстрені відключення
«Споживання залишається високим через спеку у більшості областей. Вчора, 29 серпня, добовий максимум споживання був зафіксований вдень»
Posted on August 30, 2024
Дозвіл Україні бити вглиб Росії не означатиме для Заходу вступ у війну – Боррель
«Поставте себе на місце українців – вас бомблять росіяни з місця, до якого ви не можете дістати. Ви б хотіли воювати на рівних»
Posted on August 30, 2024
France charges Telegram boss over illegal content, prompting warnings from Russia
The arrest in France last Saturday of Pavel Durov, the billionaire boss of the social media platform Telegram, is reverberating around the world as Russia urges France not to turn the investigation into ‘political persecution.’ Durov is under formal investigation over alleged illegal activities on Telegram, as Henry Ridgwell reports.
Posted on August 30, 2024
Суд заочно обрав запобіжний захід нардепу Дмитруку, який незаконно виїхав за кордон – ОГП
Народному депутату України обрали запобіжний захід у вигляді тримання під вартою без визначення застави
Posted on August 29, 2024
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia building Baltic defense line
Baltic countries are moving to protect NATO’s eastern flank in the face of Russian aggression. The Baltic defense line — a new fortification system along their borders with Russia and Belarus — is meant to shield NATO allies from potential attacks. VOA’s Eastern Europe Bureau Chief Myroslava Gongadze reports from the Latvia-Russia border. VOA footage and editing by Daniil Batushchak.
Posted on August 29, 2024
ОВА: щонайменше одна людина загинула, ще шість поранені внаслідок обстрілу Костянтинівки
Пошкоджено п’ять багатоповерхівок
Posted on August 29, 2024
Alleging illegal content, France charges Telegram boss; Russia gives warning
London — Russia on Thursday warned France not to turn the investigation of Pavel Durov, the boss of Telegram, into a “political persecution” after the billionaire 39-year-old CEO was put under formal investigation relating to activities on his social media platform.
Moscow has implied there are political motivations behind the arrest of Durov, who was detained Saturday as he disembarked his private jet at Paris-Le Bourget airport, near the French capital.
“The main thing is for what is happening in France not to run into political persecution,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters Thursday. “Of course, we consider him a Russian citizen and, as much as possible, we will be ready to provide assistance. We will be watching what happens next,” Peskov said.
France strongly denies there are any political objectives behind his arrest and maintains the investigation is being conducted according to the rule of law.
Durov holds joint Russian, French and United Arab Emirates citizenship. He was released from police custody Wednesday evening on $5.6 million bail. He is banned from leaving France and must report to a police station twice a week.
TJ McIntyre, an associate professor at University College Dublin’s School of Law and an expert on technology law and cybercrime, said Durov faces a range of preliminary charges, “ranging from failure to take action on the sale of drugs on Telegram, failure to prevent the distribution of child sexual abuse material on Telegram, failure to provide information on users when requested as part of criminal investigations, going so far as to include accusations of money laundering.”
McIntyre added that it was unusual for the CEO of a social media website to be held liable for the content it hosts. “Now, he has, himself, been indicted, which takes the investigation to the next level.”
The preliminary charges, which were outlined Wednesday in a statement by Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau, also appear to concern allegations involving organized crime, including “complicity in the administration of an online platform to enable an illicit transaction.”
Speaking outside the courthouse in Paris on Wednesday, Pavel Durov’s lawyer rejected the allegations. “Firstly, Telegram complies in every respect with European digital regulations and is moderated to the same standards as other social networks,” lawyer David-Olivier Kaminski told reporters.
“I’d like to add that it’s totally absurd to think that the head of a social network could be involved in criminal acts that don’t concern him either directly or indirectly,” Kaminski said.
Durov founded Telegram a decade ago. After reportedly facing regulatory pressures in his native Russia, Durov chose Dubai as the company’s headquarters, gaining UAE citizenship in 2021. Local media report that he was given French citizenship later the same year. His wealth is estimated by Forbes at upwards of $15 billion.
While other social media platforms have frequently been accused of harboring illegal content, French investigators say Telegram repeatedly failed to engage with regulators or to comply with laws on moderation.
“They are widely perceived as being a scofflaw when it comes to taking down illegal content posted by users. And if that’s true, if they were notified of specific content by users that violated the law and they didn’t take it down, then they’ve forfeited immunity under the big EU law on this, the Digital Services Act,” said Daphne Keller, director of the Program on Platform Regulation at Stanford Law School’s Cyber Policy Center.
Telegram made a point of refusing to comply with laws on content moderation, said McIntyre. “You have a lot of aggressive rhetoric from the owner saying in essence that this is a service which is dedicated to freedom of expression, [and] it will set out to refuse a lot of state requests. And that I think has come back to bite him now.”
Other social media platforms will be watching closely, according to Keller.
“I think we should assume that most ordinary big platforms, the Facebooks, the YouTubes, etc., are not endangered by this. They have massive teams operating content moderation systems and … removing illegal content if they’re notified about it. I don’t think they could be subject to charges like this.
“Now it may be that X, Elon Musk’s platform, actually has been dropping the ball on doing these things. Certainly, that’s something that EU Commissioner [for Internal Market and Services] Thierry Breton has alleged.”
Elon Musk, the owner of X — formerly Twitter — posted online in support of Durov this week, reposting comments he made in a March interview that moderation was “a propaganda word for censorship.”
Musk is likely worried about the implications of Durov’s arrest, said McIntyre.
“I think Mr. Musk shares a lot of his views with this particular defendant, and I think he would be rightly worried as to the implications of this for him and for his service in Europe in general. But it might not be as extreme a case as Telegram.
“Certainly, there are issues with Twitter [X] failing to respond to government requests, failing to take proper steps to moderate its content. And it’s not impossible that you’d see a similar action taken against him personally,” McIntyre told VOA.
Telegram has more than 900 million global users, including in Russia and Iran. It is widely used by the Russian and Ukrainian militaries in Moscow’s war on Ukraine. The platform does not use end-to-end encryption.
“To some extent, it gives this defendant a good deal of leverage — in that if he were to promise cooperation on some of these fronts, there would be a lot of very valuable information that he would have that could be made available to, for example, the French authorities. As a lawyer, I can only speak to the judicial procedure, but what happens behind the scenes may be as influential as the judicial procedure itself,” McIntyre said.
French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on X that the arrest of Durov was in no way a political decision. “France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship.”
Russia has in the past blocked access to Telegram after it refused to give state security services access to private conversations, and that move prompted large street protests in Moscow in 2018. Additionally, some Russian lawmakers are now accusing France of censorship.
Posted on August 29, 2024
Похвалили за Курськ та не ухвалювали спільних рішень по ударах по Росії – результати зустрічі міністрів у Брюсселі
Щодо питання про дозвіл бити вглиб Росії західною зброєю, яке вперше стало предметом загального обговорення, Жозеп Боррель повідомив, що спільного рішення щодо цього ухвалювати наразі не будуть
Posted on August 29, 2024
У Запоріжжі вшанували памʼять захисників України
Рідні та близькі загиблих військових запалили свічки та поклали квіти до пам’ятної зони
Posted on August 29, 2024
9% українців готові на визнання окупованих територій частиною РФ заради припинення війни – опитування
Близько третини українців (32%) вважають, що початок переговорів з Росією про припинення війни можливий лише після звільнення всіх українських територій, установили дослідники
Posted on August 29, 2024
Former Russian defense official detained on fraud suspicion
Posted on August 29, 2024
Germany tightens security, asylum policies after deadly festival stabbing
Berlin — Germany’s coalition government on Thursday agreed to tighten security and asylum policies following a deadly stabbing attack linked to the Islamic State militant group which has fueled far-right opposition and criticism of Berlin’s migration policies approach.
Three people were killed and eight wounded in the attack which took place during a festival in Solingen as the western city was marking 650 years. The incident has heightened political dispute over asylum and deportation rules ahead of next month’s state elections as the suspect was a failed asylum seeker from Syria.
The package introduces stricter gun regulations, including tighter ownership rules, a general ban on switchblades, and an absolute ban on knives at public events such as folk festivals, sporting events and trade fairs.
Federal law officers will be authorized to use Tasers, and background checks for weapon permits will include new federal agencies to prevent extremists from obtaining weapons.
Berlin will also tighten asylum and residency laws and procedures, including lowering the threshold for “severe deportation,” when the deportee has committed a crime involving a weapon or dangerous tool.
Criteria for excluding individuals from asylum or refugee status will be tightened, including harsher penalties for serious crimes, including for youth offenders.
Asylum seekers will be excluded from receiving benefits in Germany if they have claims in other European countries and refugees who travel to their home countries without compelling reasons risk losing their protection status, the document read.
This rule would not apply to Ukrainian refugees, it said.
The government will push for reforms to the Common European Asylum System, simplifying transfers and deportations, and will also seek to enable the deportation of individuals who have committed serious crimes or are considered terrorist threats to Afghanistan and Syria.
The package also outlines measures to combat “violent Islamism,” including giving law enforcement authorities permission to use biometric data from publicly accessible online sources for facial recognition to identify suspects.
The government will strengthen the domestic intelligence agency’s powers when it comes to financial investigations and continue to ban Islamist organizations, according to a government document outlining the measures.
Posted on August 29, 2024
«Кримська солідарність»: затриману раніше в Бахчисараї мати ув’язненого активіста відпустили
«Подивилися мої контакти і з ким спілкуюся. Мені 70 років, звичайно, у мене багато знайомих»
Posted on August 29, 2024
«Нарощуємо далекобійну силу»: Зеленський після нарад із командуванням
Одна з нарад стосувалася нарад на фронті: «найбільше уваги – Покровськ і Торецьк»
Posted on August 29, 2024
Прокуратура: суд стягнув у дохід держави квартиру керівника ТЦК на Вінниччині
«Встановлено, що близький родич керівника ОМТЦК за його дорученням набув актив у виді новозбудованої квартири у передмісті Вінниці вартістю понад 1,9 млн грн»